hello guys I'm back again.
I have a new story, a new blog willing to discuss with you.
"How to be you"(refer to me)
simple task are being task to you. sometimes task never been done because of your shyness and being a makahiya. you Know what is makahiya? Makahiya is a kind of grass that if you touch its leaves it will fold down.. just like us. we fold down and we just step away. in order to avoid this, you should make proud of your self in order you to ignore shyness.Proud of yourself is not your going to show what you are the great, your the most of all, being proud is that you can face world, can do challenges that may some people make you as their example.
Here, I have some tips I'm going to give you.
first. you is you, nothing is like you, you can face every thing that other cannot.
second, mention to your self that i can do this for good. its for my goodness.
next be vigilant for what you are and for your surroundings. Thing sometimes can mistaken to you.
and the most of all be humble not to be hambog.
you are special just God said. Before you are in this world God has a plan to your life. plans like you will be the future.. so you and get your self for then.
remember be with God Always and forever.
josh, where na ung mga pic sa acquaintance?